Getting outdoors

At The Children's Centre we offer lots of exciting and challenging outdoor activities. Making the most of what the Isle of Man has to offer. From kayaking to rock climbing and mountain biking to bush craft. We choose activities that encourage, support and enable young people to push themselves beyond what they believe they can do. It’s powerful stuff.

Life lessons, from making the impossible, possible

Taking part in adventurous activities in the outdoors is a great way to challenge young people. With the expert support of our experienced team, they’ll step out of their comfort zones, and start to benefit.

Learning a new skill, or mastering something that seems difficult can open so many doors, and make so many goals a whole lot nearer.

Activities we offer include everything from kayaking to rock climbing, mountain biking to bush craft.

“Without having the chance to take part in these challenging outdoor activities I just wouldn’t have been able to pass any obstacles I have faced. I always think back to coasteering around Peel Castle and Kayaking around Laxey shore. So many young people are missing out on life skills they may need to use in years to come. All I can ever say is thank you, you have changed my life.

— Programme participant

Our skills and training

Our team are qualified on all the parts of the adventures. They’ll make sure that everyone taking part is safe at all times, learning and also having fun.

Contact us
01624 800 000

Wallberry Farm, Old Castletown Road Douglas, Isle of Man, IM4 1AQ